Imagine having the products you need always close to you, 24 hours a day. My Mini Marketing does that! Providing a self-service market specifically created for residential communities. A unique shopping experience based on a relationship of trust.

We had the freedom to create, so we developed some more comedic scenes to generate impact and empathy. And since we're working with animation, we exaggerated the concept of bringing the product even closer to the customer. We played with the idea of being so close that the customer doesn't even need to leave their house, they just have to reach out their arm and buy what they need.

Client: MyMiniMarket
Prodution: Sublime Studio
Directed by: Jeferson Moreira
Screenplay by: Jeferson Moreira
Illustration: PH Freitas
Animation: Guilherme Nau, Jeferson Moreira, Henrique Araújo
Compositing: Guilherme Nau, Jeferson Moreira
Audio: Mateus Gageiro